Online Personal Training & Coaching Programs

Online Personal Training & Coaching Programs
Online Personal Training & Coaching Programs
Online Personal Training & Coaching Programs

Online Personal Training & Coaching Programs by Your Muscle Coach

As long as your subscription pass is still active for this website, you have access to my online personal training programs and coaching programs. For every subscriber of my website, fill up the form at the end of this article to let me know some basic details of your body, then I will get back to you and design a training program for you.

Once you are a subscriber, there will also be an option below this article to upgrade for Support via Email or WhatsApp texting which I can monitor your progress on a regular basis with customized meal plans, supplements guidance to fit your lifestyles. In addition, I will also work with you to adjust your lifestyles accordingly while keeping you motivated to stay fit and healthy to achieve your bodybuilding goals.
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When I was younger man, I made lots of mistakes by following those beautiful fitness magazines which the publishers just wanted them to be sold in order to make money. I also listened to the so-called advises from friends who had no idea what bodybuilding was about. Therefore, it’s not about the attractive fitness models on the magazines, not about what you train to please others, not about your ego. It’s about the right knowledge and mindsets. Due to what I experienced, I have developed compassion for those lifters who need the correct knowledge and guidance to get bigger, leaner and stronger.

As your Muscle Coach, I provide customized online personal training and online coaching programs that work accordingly which focuses on:

  • Diet, Nutrition, Calories and Protein Intake
  • Sleep and Rest
  • Lifestyles
  • Training Frequency and Intensity
  • Progressive Overload
  • Mental Fitness

My online personal training and online coaching programs can be used to guide and motivate you, at the same time, you can also access my bodybuilding contents of Muscle Worship to be inspired to stay fit!

You must have discipline and self-control to go through my online personal training and online coaching programs. Therefore, once you are a subscriber, you may also choose to upgrade for Support via Email or WhatsApp texting which I can monitor your progress on a regular basis with customized meal plans, supplements guidance to fit your lifestyles. In addition, I will also work with you to adjust your lifestyles accordingly while keeping you motivated to stay fit and healthy to achieve your bodybuilding goals.

My main purpose is to help and inspire people, that is my passion. That’s why I allow my knowledge and experience to be accessed by all my subscribers! Instead of selling in another expensive package like what others are doing, I provide effective and affordable online personal training and coaching programs for all the subscribers of my website.
Therefore, as a subscriber of my website, you are eligible to get a FREE customized training program from me. 

Nonetheless, below are some of my FREE tips that I offer for all my readers: 

1. It’s not about moving a dumbbell from point A to point B

Unless you are a powerlifter or an athlete for a sport that requires explosiveness, you have to fully enjoy the pain and fully squeeze and contract your muscle while you are lifting the weights in the gym. That stimulates muscle growth or the so-called scientific fitness term, hypertrophy. That’s why lots of bodybuilders like me always say: “Training hard man…”, that’s what it actually means as we have the concentration and dedication of doing every single repetition while the others are looking at their phone screens, or talking to other members in the gym, or they just simply move the weights from point A to point B without much effort.

2. Know when to cut, when to bulk

The strategies are subjective depending on your goals too, but here is a rule of thumb:
If your body fat is lower than 10%, you should bulk. If your body fat is higher than 10%, you should cut.
Generally by following this rule of thumb, you will look great at all times with your shirt off regardless of how big or small you are.

3. Learn to get your daily caloric intake right

Here is another rule of thumbs, your body weight in pounds times 15 equals to the daily standard caloric intake.
Then if it’s about bulking, your caloric intake should be higher than it. If you are cutting, your caloric intake should be lower than it.

For example, if your weight is 200lbs, then multiplied by 15, equals to 3000 kcal daily standard caloric intake. That means, if you need to lose fat to get leaner to see your six packs, your daily caloric intake will have to be lesser than 3000 kcal.

HOWEVER! That also depends on your body types, current body fat percentage, muscle mass, metabolism etc. As an experienced coach, I always need to see a current photo of your body before making any decision of your customized training programs and online coaching programs.

4. Learn to get your daily protein intake right

The same goes to the previous one. It also depends on your body types, current body fat percentage, muscle mass etc. But here is a rule of thumb, if you are beginner, aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. So for example, if you weight 200lbs, you should get at least 200g protein daily for muscle growth. For intermediate lifters and advanced lifters, you can go up to 1.5 grams or 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

The ideal daily protein intake also depends on whether you are a natural lifter or an enhanced lifter. 

The tips above by me, are definitely not from a personal trainer manual. As an experienced coach and athlete myself, I don’t read out all the theories from a personal trainer manual.
Therefore, based on my experience on diet and training, I analyze my clients’ bodies, and offer what is best for them accordingly.

It’s also important to eliminate bad habits like masturbating and ejaculating which drain your physical and mental energy to work towards getting the body that you want.

Therefore, let me as your personal trainer, your lifestyle coach, your bodybuilding coach, change your life positively and transmute the energy to achieve your bodybuilding goals.
Sign up now and start training with me.

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